Thematic tables


The advent of techno-informational capitalism

TABLE 1. The hegemony of techno-informational capitalism.

TABLE 2. The new actors of techno-informational capitalism: The non-ethics of the algorithm. New dystopias, asymmetries and vulnerability.


Transformation of the global communication system

TABLE 3. Emergence of GAFA and changes in the global communication system. Changing the rules and the game: how technological giants have transformed content distribution and the entertainment industry.

TABLE 4. New receptions, old consumptions. Recent content offers as agents of transformation of the imaginary.


Reflections on the public and public communication

TABLE 5. Thinking about the public sphere. The blurring of horizons. The Fragility and Potentiality of the Public

TABLE 6. Public Opinion and Media Scenarios: the latest mutations.

TABLE 7. Public Communication and Political Culture. Public communication as spectacle. Screens and audiences: what is changing?

TABLE 8. The public, post-truth, citizenship and democratic values: reflections, tensions and possibilities.


Legal and policy aspects of the digital age

TABLE 9. The public re-appropriation of technologies. Digital rights, appropriation and regulation of the Internet.

TABLE 10. Labour policies, urban policies, technological policies, policies for the Knowledge Society, ecological policies. The need for new public policies in convergence.


Technology, social and environmental sustainability

TABLE 11. Technology and Sustainability. Technological pollution. Reduction, reuse, recycling. Eco-citizenship and environmental protection. Climate justice and indigenous sovereignty.

TABLE 12. Planning, prediction and management of change. Resilience, disobedience and technological resistance. Theories of restoration. Ancestral tools in community building, peaceful coexistence and the conservation of global biodiversity.

TABLE 13. Social sustainability and transformation of spaces: Sustainable cities, educating cities. Commitment, responsibility, cooperation and interdisciplinary exchange.


Challenges and reflections on the digital age in education

TABLE 14. Learning in the 21st century. Collective intelligence versus artificial intelligence

TABLE 15. New educational challenges in the digital era: The effects of socialisation on networks and screens. The impact of the digital era on the new generations: Development and knowledge in the digital era

TABLE 16. The school as a laboratory of new citizenship: A new teaching ethic for the construction of new subjectivities. Critical pedagogies. Education and Justice.


Interculturality and decoloniality in the age of cyberculture

TABLE 17. Decolonial turns in a post-human world.

TABLE 18. Epistemic perspectives of gender, interculturality and intergenerationality. Cultural resistance of native peoples.

TABLE 19. Survival beyond capital. Rediscovering the sense of the common.